Sakshi Joshi is a renowned Hindi TV journalist and anchor. Working with various news channels like BBC, IBN7, News18 India, News24, and India TV, she has been the face of TV journalism for the past 16 years. Sakshi Joshi was born on Saturday, 21 December 1985,in Delhi. She did her schooling at Delhi’s Frank Anthony Public School and completed her...
Mohammad Syed Suhail is a News Anchor on the channel Republic Bharat. Syed was born on 13th January 1986 in the town of Kanpur. He completed his schooling at Kendriya Vidyalaya, IIT Kanpur Campus, and graduated with a degree in journalism from Jamia Millia Islamia AJK MCRC in New Delhi. He began his journalism career with JAIN TV. In 2013...