Bhanu Priya or Manga Bhama is a popular Indian TV and film actress. From 1983 – 1993, she appeared in various Telugu, Kannada, Tamil and Malayalam films and acted in some of the Bollywood movies as well. She was the sister of the actress, Shantipriya. Bhanu was born on the 15th of January 1966 in Rangampeta village, near Rajamundry, Andhra...
There is no end to the contribution of Shrikant Soni on Indian television and films. Having started at an early age, this veteran actor has come a long way in this field of work. His earliest project dates back to 1972 where he worked in Naag Panchami. His role had received critical acclaim here. His subsequent ventures include Har Har...
Arun Govil was born on 12 January 1958 in Ramnagar near Meerut, Uttar Pradesh. He spent his teenage life in Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh. He got his formal education at Chaudhary Charan Singh University, where he took part in some plays. In 1975 he moved to Mumbai with an initial intention to start his business, but later on continued to pursue...
Mulraj Rajda is a veteran Indian actor, writer and a prominent director. He was born on November 13, 1931 in Kalbadevi, Mumbai, India. After he graduated in college, he worked in Cable Corporation of India and later, in Dena Bank for some years. He got married in March 2, 1956 to Indian actress, Indumati. They have three children and one...