Shivani Tomar is well known Indian television film actress who played several roles in TV shows such as "Pavitra Rishta" and "Friend's Condition Apply." Shivani Tomar plays the role of Ruchita Vinod Karanjkar in the TV series "Pavitra Rishta". Ekta Kapoor under Balaji Telefilms banner produced the show. The show also features young and charming Sushant Singh Rajput, playing the...
Kratika Sengar or Kratika Sengar Vedant is an Indian television actress and dancer. She was born on 3rd July 1986 in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India. She did her schoolings in Methodist High School, Kanpur and graduated from Amity University in Delhi. After her graduation, she moved to Mumbai to make her career in acting. She recently married to “Nikitin Dheer”...
Amit Tandon is Indian Television actor and singer he had participated in the first season of Indian reality show Indian Idol, but he was the second contestant to get eliminated from the contest. He has also been a VJ for few of the reality shows. He then released his own Album Tanha Lonely Heart on Tips. After he had been...
Sharad Malhotra, who is an Indian actor, was born on January 9th, 1983. Malhotra is from Kolkata who has done B.Com in St. Xaviers College. It was during the year 2003, he was selected as ‘Face of the Year – Kolkata’, after which he went to couple of acting workshops along with Samrat Mukherjee and Nishi Arora....