Priyanka Dhavale is an Indian actress who primarily appears in Hindi Television shows. She gained national attention for her appearance in the Star Plus television series Mehndi Hai Rachne Waali (2021), in which she portrayed Amruta Deshmukh. Priyanka Dhavale was born on 13th September 2000 in Goregaon, Mumbai-Maharashtra. She attended Patkar-Varde College after completing her education at the local Goregaon...
He belongs to the dignified –“Nagar Gujar family “. He was bought up in Noida, India. Since childhood, he used to participate in various non scholastic activities. He won the title ' Junior Mr.Noida.’...
Amar Upadhyay had started out as a small-time Indian actor. He was born in Mumbai in 1976 and studied chemical engineering. When Upadhyay was asked what led to his interest into acting in films and shows, he responds with having difficulty in finding a proper job during which he was also doing small advertisements for different products. Soon after this,...