Palak Dey is an Indian child actress. She took birth on February 13, 2007, and her mother is Mamta Dey, who supported her all the way in her career. She became popular for her role as Palak Yash Sindhia, the daughter of Gurmeet Choudhary and Shweta Munshi’s characters in Shashi Sumeet Productions’ Punar Vivah, which was aired on Zee TV...
Samiksha Bhatnagar is a popular model and Indian television actress from Dehradun. She made it into the Indian television by a series of modelling projects and ended up with a show on Sony Entertainment Television’s “Kya Huaa Tera Vaada” in which she did a cameo. The show was a story of a young couple with three children and their struggle...
Monica Castelino or Monica Clair Castelino is an Indian television and film actress who appeared in the Bollywood crime drama film, Undertrial in 2007. She played as Sabeena Begum along with Rajpal Yadav. Prior to this, Monica was part of the movie, Men Not Allowed in 2006. This is a story about two girls who have been tortured and betrayed...
Sharad Vyas is the Gujarati actor and producer who has also appeared in few Gujarati and Hindi movies. More than movies, he often appears in Gujarati plays. Patta Ni Jod, Dikri Vahal No Dariyo and Tarkat are some of his Gujarati plays.
He has been the producer for the movies like Tasveer, Aashayein and Firaqq, with the production house Percept...
Naveen Bawa was born on November 26, 1991, and started as a theatre artist in Delhi. Then he moved to Mumbai and took everything that came in his way. He appeared in Reporter and worked in various films like Fanaa in 2006, Hindustan Ki Kasam, Raju Chacha in 2000, Chalte Chalte in 2003, Dhan Dhana Dhan Goal in 2007 and more....
Television as a visual medium has been appealing and accessible to the audience especially after TV sets became cheaper and television programs increased in production and variety. With the introduction of daily soaps more and more people began to watch TV because they could identify with the characters of these serials....