Meet Mukhi is an enthusiastic child actor who is just nine years old. But age doesn’t matter as for this guy he already claims to have a girlfriend and she is also his biggest fan. Meet earlier started with ‘Bal Gopal Kare Dhammal’ and also played a role in ‘Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke’. Now this cute and innocent young actor...
Aakash Pandey is a jack of all trades. He has tried his hand at many things, and he has achieved at least moderate success in most of them. He is a writer, director, comedian, painter, poet, producer, actor, author and playwright. He was born at Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh. He studied at the DAV College in Kanpur and received a...
Satyajit Sharma, the Balika Vadhu fame is a popular Indian television and theater actor. He was born in 1969 and after completing his B.A from Delhi University he joined the National School of Drama and graduated in 1994. Since then he has risen from working in commercials to delivering some great performances in mainstream Bollywood films and television series.After graduating,...