Smita Adhikari is an Indian singer who was also a former contestant on the singing reality show Indian Idol. She was among the top finalists which included Emon Chatterjee, Meyang Chang, Prashant Tamang, etc. in the third season of the show, which was aired in 2007. It is an Indian version of the American show American Idol. The show was...
Mahesh Badal was born and brought up in Mumbai, Maharashtra. He has given more than ten years of life to films, television, and television series. He has mainly worked for TV series or Hindi serials. The names of such TV serials follow Ayushman Bhava Season-2 on Star Bharat, Ayushman Bhava - Malayalam on Asianet TV, and Adhikar Ek Kasam Ek...
Mohit Arora was born on 10th February 1990 in New Delhi. He is an actor, model and a comedian who works in the Bollywood film industry. Mohit started out as a model, he did many fashion shows, and also did ramp walks for various brands. He is also associated with the Men’s Fashion Week group....
Shailesh Pandey is an Indian on-screen supporting character and voice artist. The most significant factor in an entertainer's reel is his nature of acting. Shailesh Pandey is an on-screen character who has got amounts of it. I know. It appears to be so self-evident. You'd be shocked that throwing chiefs don't get understand his vision of acting. Amazing acting is...