Home Musician Malayalam

Malayalam Musician



Radhika Malayalam Movie Actress
Born: 3 June 1984

Age Now 40

Radhika - (Movie Actress)


Rucha Inamdar Malayalam Movie Actress
Born: 2 June 1988

Age Now 36

Rucha Inamdar - (Movie Actress)

Rani Chandra Malayalam Movie Actress
Born: 2 June 1949

Lived For 26 Years

Rani Chandra - (Movie Actress)

Jean Paul Lal Malayalam Director
Born: 2 June 1988

Age Now 36

Jean Paul Lal - (Director)

Ameya Mathew Malayalam Model
Born: 2 June 1993

Age Now 31

Ameya Mathew - (Model)

K Babu Malayalam Politician
Born: 2 June 1951

Age Now 73

K Babu - (Politician)



A musician is any person which creates, performs or plays any musical instrument. A musician is responsible for creating a music either by singing or playing an instrument. Music is one of the few things which keeps the world united. Music has no language but music itself is a universal language and everyone connects with each other through music.

Musicians create a lot of different kind of music which includes folk music, classical music, rock music, hip hop etc. Every time period has created its own unique style of music and that time period is often remembered by the popular musicians of those times. Some of the musicians have made themselves so much fame and respect by creating some of the most loved music of all time.

Some of the musicians are so much respected and popular that they are treated as a God to their fans and fellow musicians. Musicians come from different places, cultures and time periods but they all create one simple creation that is a soothing sound which we know as “Music”.