Tejaswi Madivada is an actress from South India who is featured mainly in Telugu movies as Andhra Pradesh happens to be her place of birth, but she has also performed as an actress in various Tamil films. Tejaswi graduated in Mass Communication and Journalism from St. Francis College in Hyderabad. After her education, she worked as a dance instructor and...
Surya Vinay is an Indian Film Director of Photography. He works in the Tollywood Film Industry. Surya made his debut as a Director of Photography in the Film Industry with the Telugu Film Wish You Happy Breakup. The film released on the 9th of September in the year 2016. The film revolves around an aspiring director. After his girlfriend dumps...
Parag Chhabra is a Telugu playback singer and composer based in India. In 2017, he worked in Daughters of Destiny, directed and written by Vanessa Roth, and starring Shilpa Anthony Raj, Abraham George, and Quinn Coughlin. In 2018, he worked on Turtle, directed by Dinesh S Yadav, written by Ruhin, Suryapal Singh, and Dinesh S Yadav, and starring Sanjay Mishra,...
Seshu K M R is an Indian music director who has composed music for Bollywood and also South Indian movies. Also known as Seshu, hails from Guntur district but has lived in Hyderabad with his family since childhood. Seshu studied at St. Paul’s High School and did his post-graduation in computer science at Osmania University. At United Theological Open University,...