Prabhavati Varma is a renowned Indian actress. She predominantly works in the Telugu film industry. The talented actress portrayed ‘mother’ roles mostly in films that she did. Prabhavati mostly appears as a supporting actress but is able to display her character uniquely. Some of her earlier notable works include movies like Middle Class Melodies released in 2020. Prabhavati Varma’s work...
Sandhya Janak is a prominent actor of Tollywood Film Industry. She has worked in numerous documentaries and short films but stepping into movies was something out of the blue opportunity for her. She debuted with playing a role of mom to the young Tammanah in the movie, ‘Happy Days’. After this, she never had to look back....
Ravindra Sun was born on 27th May 1997 in Tamil Nadu. He is a Cinematographer, Director and Editor. He is hardworking and passionate about cinema. He works on the Telugu film industry. He has worked with multiple films such as Ajay Gadu, Valentin Night, Gem, Lambas, Narakas, Krishna Gadu Ante Oka Range, and Peddha Kapu 1, Freak out, and more....
Kireeti Damaraju is an Indian actor. He works in the Telugu film industry. He is from Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh but grew up in Hyderabad. He had a knack for films since childhood but joined an engineering college and received a degree in Bachelors of Technology. He got a job in a multinational company along with which he started...