Sakshi Chaudhary is an Indian movie actress and a model, from Dehradun, Uttarakhand. She won the Gladrags Mega Model contest in the year 2011. Gladrags is a magazine that features top models and events related to them. Gladrags also conducts a contest to select the country’s most appealing female and male contestants. The contestants undergo training like grooming, physical fitness...
Allari Naresh is a popular Telugu actor, who has also appeared in Some Tamil films. He is the brother of the popular Telugu cum Tamil actor Aryan Rajesh. Allari Naresh is popular for his comedy roles and he is applauded for his natural humorous sense. Allari Naresh is born in the year 1982 in Chennai. He was brought up in...
Sai Kishore Macha is an Indian Director working in the Tollywood film industry. He was born on 9th September 1973 in Hyderabad, Telangana. He has contributed to the Indian cinema as an assistant director and actor. Two of his highly recognized movies are ‘Dookudu’ in 2011 and ‘Namo Venkatesa’ in 2010. He has made a remarkable impact as a director...
Banerjee is a Telugu movie actor. He was born as Maganti Venu Banerjee in Vijayawada, Governor Peta. He attended Montessori Children School, which was headed by Indian communist leader and feminist Kondapalli Koteswaramma....