Siva Kantamneni is a famous Tollywood movie actor. He was born on 28th December 1968 in Telangana. Siva had worked in a movie named “Akkadokaduntadu,” released on 1 st February 2019. This thriller, directed by Sripaada Viswak, also features Ravi Babu, Siva Harish, Shiva Shankara Rao, Ram Karthik, and Rasagna Deepika. Shiva Shankara Rao and K Venkateswara Rao produced the film...
Gundu Sudharshan is a renowned comedian and actor, who mainly work in the Telugu film industry. He took part in films like Naa Manasukemaindi and Naaku Oka Lover Undhi. Gundu was seen in P Sunil Kumar Reddy’s Ganga Putrulu in the year 2010. He portrayed the role of Chary in the Telugu film, Namo Venkatesa and played as Manjari Phadnis’...