Known as Aishwariya, Shantamina (born May 23, 1971) is an Indian actress who has appeared in Tamil, Malayalam, and Telugu films, as well as several Malayalam and Tamil television soap operas. Her first film of her Aishwarya was Oliyampukal (1991), followed by Mamagaru (1991), Rasukutty (1992) and Meera (1992). She played two roles in the remake of the Malayalam film...
Dinesh Kumar is a popular choreographer in the Tamil Film Industry who is active in the field from the year 2001 to till day (as of 2016).He has choreographed for more than 138 films in this period. Dinesh had his schooling in Nandanam Arts College in Chennai. He was initially in the team of the Famous Dance brothers Prabhu Deva,...