Kangana Ranaut is known in Bollywood, for her tremendous performance is movies like Gangster, Fashion and Queen. Her debut was a hit thriller movie “Gangster” which won her “The Best Female Debut Award 2006”. For extraordinary performance, Kangana Ranaut has won “Best Supporting Actress Award” for film ‘Fashion’ for her role of a messed up model girl. ‘Queen’ led her...
Saif Ali Khan is a film celebrity born to actress Sharmila Tagore and cricketer 'Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi'. He has two sisters, Soba, and Soha. Soha is a well-known actress in Hindi cinema. He was born in New Delhi on August 16, 1970. This actor made his debut with director Yash Chopra’s film Parampara, but the film did not do...