Prasanna Shetty Bailur is an actor and writer who works mainly in the Tulu film industry. He is known for movies like “Girgit” a comedy movie released in 2018, directed by Rakesh Kadri Rakesh Kadri is an upcoming director and writer in >> Read More... , produced by Manjunath Attavar Bio coming soon... >> Read More... and Shoolin, and Roopesh Shetty Roopesh Shetty is an Indian actor who worked in th >> Read More... , Shilpa Shetty A model turned actress, producer, entrepreneur and >> Read More... , and Aravind Bolar Aravinda Bolar is today an acknowledged name in th >> Read More... played the leading roles, “ Circus Circus is one of the most popular television seria >> Read More... ” a comedy film released in 2023, directed by Roopesh Shetty, produced by Manjunath Attavar and Shoolin, and “Gosmari Family” a comedy film released in 2023, written and directed by Sai Krishna Kudla Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , produced by Shakkuntala Aanchan and Chirag Arora Chirag Arora is a short film producer and director >> Read More... . He also acted in Gouji Gammath (2023) and Soda Sarbath (2021).