Vishnu Priya Bhimeneni is an actress from the Tollywood industry. She is known for co-hosting the Telugu comedy show “PovePora”with her co-host on the show, SudigaliSudheer, who she seems to have a great bond with on-screen. She has been a part of other shows which include, “Cash” and “Anubhavinchu Raja,” making her one of the most popular and successful anchors...
Sree Mukhi is one of the several celebrities who have made a successful transition from small screen to films. She first faced the camera nearly three years ago and admitted that she has definitely travelled a long journey, to transform herself from an introvert teenager to discovering her feet in the television industry and movies. Her full name being Sreemukhi...
Pandu Dhee Jodi, also known as Shanmukh G, Pandu. he was seen as popular as well as the finest Indian actor, choreographer, and dancer. It was born on 7 December 1995 in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. Pandu completed his graduation in B.Tech from IIT Madras, Chennai. His passion for dance makes him a successful dancer, actor, and Choreographer. Although from childhood,...
Jani Master was born on 2 July 1982 in Nellore, Andhra Pradesh. He married Ayesha. He is famously known as Indian dance choreographer for Hindi, Malayalam, Kannada and Telugu. But however he is popularly known for his Western and Folk Style. Initially, he started his dancing career in TV shows....
Dhanraj is a growing comedian in the Telugu film industry. He started his career through the film Jai. He was passionate in acting and hence left his parents and his hometown with some hundred rupees. He joined in a hotel as a waiter. He learnt acting from the acting school in Hyderabad, with the salary got from the hotel job....
Nagendra Babu is a famous person in Telugu industry. He is an actor and producer. His actual name is Konidela Nagendra Babu. He is the brother of Megastar Chiranjeevi and Pawan kalyan. His father’s name is Venkat rao and mother’s name is Anjana Devi. Every one calls him as Mega brother. He is a film actor. He did more than...