The Telugu audience would surely remember Manju Bhargavi for her role in the 1979 blockbuster Shankarbharanam. Born on 1950, the real name of Manju Bhargavi is Manjula. Having her birth in Chennai, Manju did her studies in Stella Mary’s College. Manju is a trained dancer and exhibited her dancing skills at many dance performance shows. Prakash Rao, a filmmaker, introduced her...
Suhasini is a Telugu actress. She is from haranathapuram, Nelluru district, Andhra Pradesh. She started acting at her 9th standard as a heroine in a Chantigadu film. She came in to fame with Chantigadu movie. After this film, in film industry, everybody used to call her ‘Chantigadu Suhasini’. This was done in the year of 2003. She came to film industry...
Jackie is an actor. He is from Kakinada. Before he came into acting, He worked as a camera assistant in Chennai and he worked under Rajiv mannan. One of his friends, Vijaybhaskar who is a Manmadhudu movie director, who encouraged him on acting but Jackie was not interested at that time. After that, Vijaybhaskar gave him a chance in his...
Nagendra Babu is a famous person in Telugu industry. He is an actor and producer. His actual name is Konidela Nagendra Babu. He is the brother of Megastar Chiranjeevi and Pawan kalyan. His father’s name is Venkat rao and mother’s name is Anjana Devi. Every one calls him as Mega brother. He is a film actor. He did more than...