Pooja Nair is an Indian actress who is a popular artist and known for her roles in Kota Toppers (television), Oru Solar Swapnam. Her first debut film is Oru Solar Swapnam in which she acted in the role; Harith Nair is an MBA student. This movie is directed by Joy Anthony and produced by Raju Joseph under Dream World Productions...
Pooja Nair is an Indian actress who is a popular artist and known for her roles in Kota Toppers (television), Oru Solar Swapnam. Her first debut film is Oru Solar Swapnam in which she acted in the role; Harith Nair is an MBA student. This movie is directed by Joy Anthony and produced by Raju Joseph under Dream World Productions...
Rahul Rajagopal is an Indian actor working predominantly in the Malayalam movie Industry. He has done various movies and is quite famous and liked by viewers. He worked in Utsaha Ithihasam - The Saga of the Spirited (2018) and Bhagavathykaavile Papikal: Sinners at the Goddess Abode (2016). All his roles in these movies and performances were praised. He was recently...
Rahul Rajagopal is an Indian actor working predominantly in the Malayalam movie Industry. He has done various movies and is quite famous and liked by viewers. He worked in Utsaha Ithihasam - The Saga of the Spirited (2018) and Bhagavathykaavile Papikal: Sinners at the Goddess Abode (2016). All his roles in these movies and performances were praised. He was recently...
Arjun Ratan is an Indian actor who worked for the Malayalam film industry. He is a multi-talented director, actor, and writer who continuously shared his work in the South Indian film industry. Arjun worked in more than 12 Malayalam movies and some of them received a very good response from the audience.
Some of his remarkable work includes Arrangement Kalyanam in...
Arjun Ratan is an Indian actor who worked for the Malayalam film industry. He is a multi-talented director, actor, and writer who continuously shared his work in the South Indian film industry. Arjun worked in more than 12 Malayalam movies and some of them received a very good response from the audience.
Some of his remarkable work includes Arrangement Kalyanam in...
Shyamin Gireesh is a well-known, talented personality known for his incredible skills as an actor, and director. Shyamin is known for working in the Indian entertainment industry and is mostly known for his work in the Malayalam film industry. Shyamin is from Ernakulam, Kerala, India. Shyamin earned his Master of Arts in Cinema and Television from SACRED HEART College (autonomous)...
Shyamin Gireesh is a well-known, talented personality known for his incredible skills as an actor, and director. Shyamin is known for working in the Indian entertainment industry and is mostly known for his work in the Malayalam film industry. Shyamin is from Ernakulam, Kerala, India. Shyamin earned his Master of Arts in Cinema and Television from SACRED HEART College (autonomous)...