Nithya Ravindran is a veteran and talented actress who acts in Tamil television serials, mainly in strong supporting character roles. Though Nithya Ravinder has acted in many serials, the one that made her immensely popular among the audiences and made her a household name, is the blockbuster Tamil television serial titled Azhagi – a typical family drama serial with a romantic angle. She...
Uma Padmanabhan is among the first Television host, who worked for Sun TV. In 1993, she got associated with the channel when it was a new channel, trying to earn viewer ship gradually. She read news for the channel, then was shifted to one morning breakfast program called ‘Vanakkam Tamizhakam’. She was praised a lot for her very engaging host...
Sai Prashanth is a well known serial actor who has also acted in some films too. He entered into the acting field career at a very young age. After completing his tenth standard, he entered into the small screen. Being a native of Bangalore, Sai Prashanth was born on 7th of June 1985. He did his schooling in Padma Seshadhri...