Emily Schulman is an American Film and Television Actress. She worked in many Hollywood films and Television shows. Her full name is Emily Hope Schulman. Emily was born on the 17th of August in the year 1977. She was born in Los Angeles, California. Emily appeared in more than 200 TV commercials before she was six years old. Emily made...
Marla Penington is an American Film and Television Actress. She worked in Hollywood films and English TV shows. Her full name is Marla Lynn Pennington. Marla was born on the 5th of March in the year 1954. She was born in Burbank, California. Marla started her career as an actress with the TV series Lucas Taner (1974). She played the...
Tiffany Brissette is an American Film Actress, TV Actress, and Voice Artist. Tiffany worked in the Hollywood Film Industry. Her full name is Tiffany Michelle Brissette. She was born on the 26th of December in the year 1974. She was born in Paradise, California. She had her schooling from San Clemente High School in San Clemente, California. She had her...
This actor has worked extensively in the Film Industry and has given abundant mega hits, and he is none other than Dick Christie. Dick is a well-recognized American actor who has spent his life predominantly in movies. His notable works include Small Wonder (1985), Hell or High Water (2016), and Eight Below (2006)....
Jerry Supiran is a Hollywood actor. He is usually called a Child actor but since he is not a child anymore so it Seems funny to many if he is referred to as a child actor....