Ramesh Khanna is Tamil Film director and actor. Ramesh was born on 30th November 1955 in Coimbatore. He is the third child to his parents. He lives in Chennai. He is married and has two children. Ramesh is into acting since the age of 5. In ‘Nadaga Kavalar’ drama troupe of R S Manohar, Ramesh did around 1000 dramas till...
Nageswaran C. Krishna Gundu Rao is a Tamil actor of great repute. He was born on 27 September 1933 in Dharapuram (Tamil Nadu) to Brahmin parents. After his father that dies at an early age, he became a victim of financial instability. He got his education from Madras and later began working in the Indian Railways as a clerk. He...
Delhi Ganesh is one of the veteran Tamil actors, born on August 1, 1944. He worked in Food Corporation of India (FCI) between 1964 and 1974. Because of his interest towards films, he dropped his job. He is a Delhi drama group member of Dakshina Bharata Nataka Sabha (DBNS) and the reason why he is called as, Delhi Ganesh. He...
Maadhu Balaji is a famous theatre artist; he works in Tamil theatre, film and television Industry. His brother, Crazy Mohan, is notable humorist and play writer. Balaji graduated from Vivekanand College, Madras University, Chennai. He started his acting career in college by doing various plays. In 1979, along with his brother and friends Balaji started the ‘Crazy Creations’; it presently...