Sithmi Gagani Tamasha is a well-known Sri Lankan actress. She was born in Colombo, Sri Lanka on 8 September. She is a versatile actress and is famous among her fans. She played the role of Suddi in a Sinhala TV drama series titled Chalo. It is aired on the Swarnavahini channel. The story revolves around a teacher who sacrifices many...
Kapila Sigera is one of the renowned actors in the Sinhala television and cinema industry. He was born on 15 September 1959 and debuted in 1986 with a small role in an action-drama film Dinuma, by Sunil Soma Peiris and Ananda Wickremasinghe. He appeared opposite Sanath Gunathilake, Vasanthi Chathurani, and Mervyn Jayathunga. Kapila Sigera gained fame with the role of...
Jehan Appuhami is an actor cum director working in the Sri Lankan entertainment industry. He is from Chilaw Town, Sri Lanka and settled in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Jehan went to St Mary’s College Chilaw....
Janaka Kumbukage is a Sri Lankan actor famous in cinema, stage drama and television. He was born to retired teachers. Janaka frequently moved schools due to his parents’ transfers. He studied at Wadduwa Madya Maha Vidyalaya where he developed an interest in drama. He did his A/L in the commerce stream. He studied business Studies for four years at Technical...
Kamal Deshapriya Sirisena is an actor from Sri Lankan cinema, and a television host, cricket commentator and media personality. Anand Sirisena, his father was a disc jockey. Kamal’s mother, Anges Tissera, was an actress and radio artist. Kamal completed his studies at Nalanda College in Colombo. Kamal became the channel head of Sri Lanka Cricket (S.L.C.) in 2017. He left...