Kabliwala is a heartwarming and emotional Punjabi TV serial that airs on the DD Punjabi channel. Set in a vibrant neighborhood, the story revolves around a kind-hearted fruit vendor named Kabliwala, originally from Afghanistan. Despite being a foreigner, Kabliwala has won the hearts of the locals with his friendly nature and caring personality. One day, Kabliwala crosses paths with a young child who instantly forms a deep connection with him. They develop a beautiful bond, and the child finds solace and happiness in Kabliwala's presence. He becomes like a father figure to her, and they spend their days cherishing joyful moments together. However, fate takes an unexpected turn when Kabliwala encounters a man who harbors a deep grudge against him.
This man curses Kabliwala and his family, triggering a surge of anger within him. Unable to control his emotions, Kabliwala engages in a fierce fight with the man, resulting in his arrest. Before his arrest, Kabliwala promises the young child that he will return soon, assuring her that their bond will remain unbreakable. Time passes, and 15 years later, Kabliwala is finally released from his sentence. Filled with hope and anticipation, he eagerly returns to the neighborhood to reunite with the child who holds a special place in his heart. However, to his dismay, Kabliwala discovers that the once-little girl has grown up and is now married. To know more about ‘Kabliwala’, watch it on DD Punjabi or Zee5 now.