Thikai Chha is a Nepali language serial that premiered in 2021 on YouTube. The serial focuses on the lives of different characters living in the village. It is a sit-com that ventures through the life of different individuals and presents the situation in a humorous style. Thikai Chha aims at promoting the belief that everything that happens, happens for a reason and that “it’s all okay” in the end. The serial has light-hearted comedy as it explores different individual’s lives. Thikai Chha was written by Saroj Ghimire Bio coming soon... >> Read More... . The lead cast of the serial includes Saroj Ghimire asDhedu Budo, Bikram Ghimire as Dhane, Ishan Raut as Jire, Ramesh k.c as Matare. Thikai Chha is available on Saroj Ghimire YouTube Channel.