Jeetu Rao works in the Marathi TV industry. He is a promo head for Fakt Marathi. In 2019, Jeetu worked in “Anolkhi,” directed by Chandrakant Gayakwad. The same year, he worked in the series Brahmaand Nayak, which was aired on Fakt Marathi. Tanaji M Ghade directed the series, and Ashok Narkar produced it. Vasant Gogate played the role of Gajanan...
Rupesh Tatkari is an Indian cinematographer and director of photography (DOP). He was born and raised in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Rupesh completed his studies at Mahatma Gandhi High School in Maharashtra and graduated from Eknath Madhavi College in Dombivli, Maharashtra. Rupesh knows three languages: Hindi, English, and Marathi. Rupesh works in the Marathi film industry and is known for his work...
Shrirang Godbole is an Indian-origin writer, actor, producer, and director. On 15th June 1960, he was born in Mumbai, Maharashtra. He started his career as a theatre artist in 1979. He initially joined a Theatre Academy in Pune and acted in Jabbar Patel’s Ghashiram Kotwal, Padgham, and Satish Alekar’s Mahanirvan, Pralay, Bhint, and Atireki. He started writing scripts and plays...
Presently he was a screenwriter. He started his life as a banker. He worked in reserve bank of India. Before retirement in 1993 keen interest develop for content writing. In his free time, he used to love books and sometimes he also does writing work. After retirement, he focuses in the field of creative writing. He keep us himself busy...