One of the renowned names in Kannada cinema, Nishvika Naidu made her debut in ‘Vaasu Naan Paaka Commercial’ in the year 2018 which was directed by the famous director, Ajith Vasan Uggina, opposite Anish Tejeshwar who is a well-known actor in both Kannada and Telugu film industries....
Amrutha Iyengar is a well-known Indian actress and model. Amrutha is known for his predominant contributions to the Kannada film industry. Amrutha Iyengar was born on the 26th of July in the year 1996. Her place of birth is Mysore in Karnataka. Amrutha has done her schooling at the Christ The King Convent school. She holds a degree in Psychology...
Jai Jagadish (Born on 29th June) is an Indian film actor, who also directs and produces in Kannada film industry. He started his career in the movie Paduvarahalli Pandavaru in 1978 as an actor and has featured in over 300 films till date. His first stint as a producer was for 1998 film Bhoomi Thayiya Chochchala Maga starring Shivarajkumar, Ramesh Aravind...
Charan Raj is a versatile actor who is popular for his villainy and character roles in South Indian film industry. He has acted in various Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Hindi movies. He is popular for his role in Baasha, where he acted as Anwar Baasha, the friend of Rajinikanth. He has also acted with Rajini in the Hindi movie Phool...
Ramesh Aravind [born 1964] is an Indian writer, actor, director and producer .He has also acted in few Tamil movies. He did his Mechanical Engineering from UVCE College, Bangalore. His movies are decent, wholesome family films with no vulgarities and crudities but always sensible entertainers.After success in Tamil films, Kannada film producers started noticing him. His performances in America America,...