Amit Bhardwaj is a Hindi actor and a production manager. As a production manager, he has worked on only one feature film, a Biography titled Gul Makai, released in 2020 and directed by Amjad Khan. As an actor, he worked in four different TV series. Starting with a drama fantasy horror show titled Ek Thi Naayka in 2013. He worked...
Amit Bhardwaj is a Hindi actor and a production manager. As a production manager, he has worked on only one feature film, a Biography titled Gul Makai, released in 2020 and directed by Amjad Khan. As an actor, he worked in four different TV series. Starting with a drama fantasy horror show titled Ek Thi Naayka in 2013. He worked...
Ekta Singh is a renowned Indian fashion designer, who’s worked was acclaimed not just in India but also in Europe, Middle East, and the United States. She is a Magna Cum Laude graduate of the Pearl Academy of Fashion in Delhi and started her very own elite label called “Ekta Singh” in the year 2001. During a fashion show on...
Ekta Singh is a renowned Indian fashion designer, who’s worked was acclaimed not just in India but also in Europe, Middle East, and the United States. She is a Magna Cum Laude graduate of the Pearl Academy of Fashion in Delhi and started her very own elite label called “Ekta Singh” in the year 2001. During a fashion show on...
Rohit Handa is an Indian television actor/model. He was born on March 21, 1994, in Jalandhar, Punjab. He had done his schooling from C.J.S Public School in Jalandhar. He studied B.Com from DAV College, Jalandhar. He went to Delhi to study Acting at Shri Ram Center for Performing Arts Delhi. He featured in many famous television shows like Saavdhan India.
Rohit Handa is an Indian television actor/model. He was born on March 21, 1994, in Jalandhar, Punjab. He had done his schooling from C.J.S Public School in Jalandhar. He studied B.Com from DAV College, Jalandhar. He went to Delhi to study Acting at Shri Ram Center for Performing Arts Delhi. He featured in many famous television shows like Saavdhan India.