Sangeeta Odwani is a film and Television actress based in Mumbai, Maharashtra. She was born and brought up in Chittorgarh, Rajasthan. She made her debut in the entertainment industry with a comedy TV miniseries called Vintage Boys, which was released in 2021 along with Pradeep Sharma and Sanjay Malviya. After that, she made her debut in the Bollywood industry with...
Sanjay Pandey is an Indian film actor from the Bhojpuri film industry. He was born on 12 March 1972 in Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh. Sanjay's acting career started by working as a theatre artist in Bhopal. He made his film debut as a villain in 2002 with the film 'Kahiya Doli Laike Aiba' directed by Rajkumar Pandey, and the audience highly appreciated...
Sagar Pathak is a well- known director as well as a writer. He was born on 20 October 1987 in India. He is known for Jha Two Boys (2018), Unity (2016), Cypher (2019), Dustbin (2017), Nath Ek Pratha (2015), Torture: The Burning Desire (2016), and many more. He directed as well as wrote the movie Cypher. The story is about...
Pradeep Sharma is a Hindi Producer in the Indian Film Industry. His other name is Tutu Sharma. He is famous for the films One Night Stand, Direct Ishq, Tera Kya Hoga Johnny, and Paanch, etc. He was born in 1960 in Jaipur. He studied in St. Xavier’s Jaipur and did his later education from Mumbai. At the age of 20...