Bhavana’s claim to fame is her immaculate timing as a comedian appearing in hit shows like “Gutur Gu” on the small screen. Born on 21 Oct 1975 in Mumbai to Shobha Khote an actress in herself, acting was the last thing on her mind while growing up. She was a brilliant student an ICSE board topper, she took up fashion...
Rajshri Debnath is a Hindi serial actress who is best known for her role of “Sandhya Oberoi “in the serial ‘Meri Doli Tere Angna’ aired on Zee TV. For Rajshri acting was not something that happened by chance; she was a model and while she was doing her ramp walk she proactively took the decision to step into acting on...
Jeetu Shivhare is an Indian television actor, who became famous after donning the role of Gadha Prasad, a dumb servant, in the comedy show, Chidiya Ghar, which started airing on SAB TV from 2011 till present.
He spent his childhood in Agra, where his family is currently residing. Jeethu had a diploma in catering, however, his interest in theatre has pushed...
Popularly known by his character name, Mukundilal Gupta in Sab TV’s show Lapataganj, Rohitash Gaud is another senior actor of the television industry. He has received several awards for his role of Mukundilal including Indian television academy award, Sab TV award and Zee Gold Awards.As of now he is portraying the role of Vishnu in Sony Pal’s show Khushyon Ki...