Joy Bhattacharya is a famous Bengali actor. Throughout his journey as an actor, he has played various characters and every time excelled every time. One of the most famous Bengali serial, CID Kolkata Bureau which aired on Song Aath from 21th December 2012 to 12th July 2014, was a Bengali crime detective TV series. He played the role of Senior...
Zeeshan Khan is an Indian Actor in the Film Industry. He is a young actor and has not established a place for himself in the Industry yet. He does movies in the Hindi language. He was born on the 18th of October,1992. At a young age of 24, he has managed to garner the attention of the audiences by his...
Ranvijay Singh is the prolific television host of MTV Roadies. He has established himself as the star of the show and is known for his good looks, tough personality, and charming demeanor. He hails from an Army background and was about to join Army after coming out of the college. However, he tried his luck to win a Karizma Bike...
Praver Awal is a Senior Vice President at Banijay Asia – a production company creating quality content for OTT platforms, televisions, films and covering all genres, including scripting, factual, reality, and entertainment all across Asia. He did his high school from Bluebells in Psychology and later went to Amity Business School to do Bachelor’s in Business Administration and Human Resources....