Malini Kapoor is a beautiful Indian actress who portrayed her talent in shows like Zara Pyaar Ki Saugaat; her character was named Zeenat. Her character is very versatile and unique. Her acting is highly appreciated by the audience. In this, the sisters share a very real and the role of close bond which the sisters share. Her role is to...
Ravi Kishan Shukla, or ostentatiously known by his stage name of Ravi Kishan, is a Bhojpuri film and television artist. Kishan has also acted in many well-known Bollywood movies such as "Tere Naam", "Phir Hera Pheri", "Pitambar", "Raavan", "Welcome to Sajjanpur", and "Luck", among many others. Kishan was also a finalist on the 2006 season of the reality television show,...