Sonali is an actress in the entertainment industry. She worked in various films, television series, and music videos, such as "Samara," which focuses on the character of a police officer who is assigned a mission in the mountainous region and finds himself investigating a series of killings. It also focuses on the possibility of a biowar that is going to...
Zee TV’s hit show Afsar Bitiya, is produced by Village Boy Productions, a venture of Rakesh Paswan. Meena Mir plays the role of Saraswati in this serial. This is her debut show. The story is set in Bhagalpur, Bihar. It is the story of Krishna, played by Mitali Nag, and shows how this girl rises from very humble beginnings to...
Anushka Sen is an Indian TV child actress and a model, born on August 4, 2002, in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. She started acting when she was 12 years old. She auditioned for TVC, TeleSerial and Film. Anushka has starred in the Indian dramatic serial Yahaan Main Ghar Ghar Kheli on Zee TV and a pivotal role in Life OK’s Devon...
Syed Raza Ahmed is an Indian television actor. He was born and brought up in Mumbai, Maharashtra. He completed his school education at St. Andrews High school, Mumbai. After that, he completed his graduation at the University of Mumbai. Then, he tried his luck in the acting field. He became popular after his performance in MTV Nishedh. The series premieres every Saturday and Sunday...
Rohan Mehra is a chocolate face hero that always works in his favor like chocolate boy Sooraj Pancholi. For his In B-town, it is always clear that one has to be a chocolate hero to become a star.Rohan Mehra has a pretty face that more likely to strike a chord as a TV star. His styled hair and designer wear...
Kunj Anand is an Indian actor and producer. He is known for the web series Your Honor and Dark 7 White. He made his debut in the television series Ashok Vatika (2018). Anand currently lives in Versova, Mumbai, Maharashtra. Kunj Anand was born in New Delhi. His mother's name is Sangeeta Anand. He has a sister Ruhi Anand. Anand went to Barbaharatti Public School in...
Born on May 18, 1988, Zain Imam is an Indian television actor. He is known for his role in the TV series Tashan-e-Ishq. Zain was born and raised in Delhi. He completed his graduation from Amity International School. After completing his graduation, he went to graduate school for completing his MBA. After that, he did a nice cushy job but...