Michiaki Tanaka is an animator known for his work in English animation projects. In 1991, he contributed to the creation of the Doraemon Game comic. Later, in 1998, Tanaka took on the role of marketing Visio, a product acquired by Microsoft, in Tokyo, Japan. He managed the marketing team for various Office products, including Visio, Project, OneNote, and InfoPath, and...
Fujiko F Fujio is one of the two members of the Fujiko Fujio comic writer duo. His actual name is Hiroshi Fujimoto. Fujiko was born on 1st December 1933 in Takaoka, Toyama, Japan. He died at the age of 62 on 23rd September 1996 in Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan. He has been rested at Midorigaoka, Meguro, Japan. In the year 1951,...