Hiya Mukherjee is an actress cum model working in the Bengali entertainment industry. Hiya played the lead role in “Nayantara,” a Sun Bangla series. The series is the remake of the Telugu serial, “Pournami,” featuring Rashmi Prabhakar. Hiya played the role of Tara and shared the screen space with Subhajit Saha, Gaurav Mondal, Payal De, and Swarnakamal, Dutta. In 2023,...
Gourab is one of the famous Indian Bengali TV actors and models. He was born on March 24, 1987, in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. He is a tall, dark, handsome, talented, and debonair actor. He belongs from a middle-class family and landed his first job as a mechanical engineer, then changed his ways and started his career in modeling....