Fathered by a highly esteemed recipient of national and international awards. Girish Kasaravalli and brought up in the shadow of television director, costume designer and a renowned actress Late Vaishali Kasaravalli, Ananya Kasaravalli shares the blessings of her parents with her brother Apoorva Kasaravalli who is also a rising director. Films and family have influenced her since a long time...
Divya Suresh is one of the prominent personalities in the Indian Film Industry. She is a well-known Indian model and actress who has worked extensively in the Kannada movie industry. Her vastly recognized credits include Tempt Raja, "Bigg Boss Kannada Season 8," and many others. Divya was born on 16 January 1993 in Uruduga village, Tirthahalli, Karnataka, India, to a wealthy...
Rohit Srinath is a known personality in the South Television and Film Industry. He acted in many TV series and movies as a child actor. He was brought up by his loving and caring father, Narayana Swamy (a renowned actor in South Industry) and mother, Geetha Srinath. Rohit Srinath shared his childhood with a sister, Amulya, who lives in the...
Abhinav Vishwanathan is an Indian model and actor who mainly works in the Kannada showbiz industry. He was born on July 31, 1997, in New Delhi. In 2008, his family moved to Bangalore. He studied at the Bal Bharati Public School in Noida until grade 5. Then, he moved to Vidya Niketan Public School, Ullal, and later went to the...