Ankita Majumder is a Bengali television and cinema actress. She initially appeared in the Bengali television serial “Amader Choto Nadi.” The plot revolves around Nadi, a five-year-old autistic child, and her stepmother, played by Ankita. Ankita debuted in the entertainment industry with the 2015 drama “Auto No. 9696,” starring Arjun Chakraborty and Amrita Chattopadhyay in significant roles. She starred opposite Samadarshi...
Indrajeet Bose is a Bengali Television actor. Bose started his career with modeling. He came to fame after he did ‘Raashi’ with Zee Bangla’s popular show. His other popular shows are ‘Goyenda Ginni’, where he played the role of a police cop, and later, he played the male protagonist role in ‘Debipakshya’. His famous romantic genre television daily soap ‘Asha...
Sumeet Mittal, a young man from Ahmedabad, is a multi-talented writer and producer. He is the Co-founder of Shashi Sumeet Group. With his partner Shashi, he founded the company Shashi Sumeet Group which consists of Shashi Sumeet Productions Pvt. Limited for television serials, Shashi Sumeet Motion Pictures for films, Shashi Sumeet Innovations for brands, and Qat Whiskers for commercials. Shashi...