Home Chef Kannada

Kannada Chef


Tabla Nani Kannada Supporting Actor
Born: 1 June 1983

Age Now 41

Tabla Nani - (Supporting Actor)

Saloni Kannada Movie Actress
Born: 1 June 1987

Age Now 37

Saloni - (Movie Actress)

Jim Ankan Deka Kannada Director
Born: 1 June 1980

Age Now 44

Jim Ankan Deka - (Director)

Roy Badiger Kannada Actor
Born: 1 June 1994

Age Now 30

Roy Badiger - (Actor)

Ariya Hegde Kannada Model
Born: 1 June 1999

Age Now 25

Ariya Hegde - (Model)



Chef "Falls In Love With Food "

A chef literally means ‘head of the kitchen’ and is a person who excels in culinary skills of a particular cuisine. Every country in the world has a different style of cooking. In our own country, the way food is cooked varies from one region to another. An Indian Chef will be proficient in all Indian cookeries, be it South Indian, North Indian, North Eastern or the Gujarati and Rajasthani delicacies. To become a chef, one needs to obtain a formal education in culinary arts for 2-4 years, where they are taught about various cuisines and also about their conduct.

All chefs have a uniform which consists of a tall hat with a heat outlet called toque, a necktie, an apron, a white double-breasted jacket to prevent injuries to the body, and steel toe-capped shoes to prevent injuries to the feet. Not everybody knows, but there is a hierarchy among chefs. At the top is chef de cuisine, who is the head chef. Next is sous chef who manages the kitchen staff and is responsible for cleanliness. A chef de partie looks after a particular area of cooking process whereas Commis is the newbie who learns the working of a kitchen from the chef de partie. Many established chefs have now taken to hosting their own TV shows and teaching viewers their magical recipes. Here are some popular Kannada chefs who host their own cooking programs.