Home English English Movie Actor
English Movie Actor Douglas Dean
Written By - Team Nettv4u

Douglas Dean is an English actor who was born in Dover and grew up in southeast London. He started off his acting career from the theatre and then joined many dramatics companies to train. Douglas has been living in Rome since 2003. He considers himself fortunate to have played many iconic roles from Shakespeare's plays which include 'Shylock', 'Bottom', 'Richard III', 'Benedick'.

Douglas's other plays include 'The Birthday Party', 'Address Unknown', 'Loveplay', which he directed. He played the lead role in the short film "The Wholly Family", for which he won the 'Best short film' award in the European Film Awards held in 2011. He is also a voice artist, giving voice to soccer commentary, commercials and he is also a teacher in the Link Academy at Rome.


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