Tea Time Manoranjan is a comedy TV show that was aired in 1994. It was the first daily variety entertainment show by Sri Adhikari Brothers Television Network Ltd for Doordarshan. Not only for children, but there was also the good amount of entertainment for grownups and family as well. It is a show which gave us a better idea what improvisation comedy or theatrical comedy is all about. The show really attempted to introduce improvisation comedy to Indian television much before its time and is still fresh in the collective memory of small towns like in Uttar Pradesh(especially Kanpur). The show in 1994 launched big names as Vrajesh Hirjee Known for his comic timing and comic roles, Vrajes >> Read More... , Smriti Irani and Raju Srivastav This name does not need any introduction, as the I >> Read More... in the television channel.
The show was a debut acting platform for Smriti, Vrajesh and Raju Srivastav ( King of Comedy). Although part this show was scripted for comedy purpose, it had many impromptu games like 'Main Bhi Detective', where the actors had to help a spy solve mysteries by personifying various inanimate objects (clues) like a shoe or a bedroom. When the show started, many viewers did not understand the nature of the show. Hence, viewers were bit confused, and the show had a mixed response too. Actor Suresh Menon too had perfumed in the show who used Tamil and Malayalam in this Doordarshan Series. This kind of TV series paved the way for other shows like ‘ Lo Kal Lo Baat BIG MAGIC, India's first exclusive channel for >> Read More... ’ in SAB TV in 2006 which was again an attempt of improvisation technique in the TV serials.
An improvisation is a form of a live theatre where the plot, characters, and dialogues of a scene or story are made up in the moment. Often improvisers will take a suggestion from the audience, or draw on some other source of inspiration to get started. It may be noted that in this serial a panel of three performers Smriti, Raju, and Vrajesh who created characters, scenes, and even comedy on the spot, in the style of a short form of improvisation plays. The show is a poor version of UK television comedy show ‘Whose Line is it Anyway’. Mr. Gautam Adhikari Gautam Adhikari was an Indian producer, writer, an >> Read More... and Mr. Markand Adhikari Markand Adhikari is a media pioneer who was born o >> Read More... founder of Sri Adhikari Brothers Television Network Ltd had successfully launched this show for Doordarshan and gained popularity as a popular TV serial maker in Mumbai. Today, Adhikari Brothers is one of the big names in the television entertainment industry.