Pravallika is a famous Telugu actress who has worked in some serials. She is seen in Sikharam serial which is aired on ETV and the story of it revolves around an educated couple.The show has already completed 500 episodes and is very popular within the Telugu speaking people. Seenthoora Poove is another serial in which she acted. This Tamil serial came...
Tanikella Bharani is a renowned actor in Telugu and Tamil cinemas. He has also acted in Hindi movies. Born in Secunderabad, this talented person completed his graduation in Commerce. He is also a post graduate diploma holder in Theatre arts. In his initial stages, Tanikella Bharani was writing scripts and dialogues for the stage dramas. He moved to Chennai to...
Naresh is a famous South Indian Actor who has acted in various Telugu movies. He was born in 1960’s in Hindupur, Andhra Pradesh. He started his career at a very young age of 7. His debut movie as a child artist was ‘Pandanti Kaapuram’ which released in 1972. He always dreamt of being an actor and loved the words  ‘Lights,...