Navika Kotia is a television actor who has been most active on television during from 2008 to the present date. She is residing in Mumbai, and continuing her acting career from Mumbai. She is most popularly known for her role of Chikki in the serial Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai. This show was aired on January, 2009 on Star Plus...
Raj Sathya is an Indian Film Director. Raj works in the Tollywood Film Industry. He directed a film named Hyderabad Love Story (2018). The film has Rahul Ravindran, Reshmi Menon, and Sija Bose in the lead roles. The story of the film revolves around a girl Bhagya Lakshmi who falls in love with a guy Karthik and tries so hard...
Shakalaka Shankar is an actor in Telugu Television and Telugu Film Industry. He is known for his comical timing and sense of humour. He rose to fame with his superhit comedy show Jabardasth. Not only is he a well-known comedian in Television, he has also made a name in the Telugu Film Industry with his phenomenal contribution to over 25...