Abhinayashree is a renowned Bollywood actress who has graced the screen in supporting roles in several South Indian films, playing small roles. Abhinayashree got her motivation by looking up to her mother, who mentored her from her many years of experience. Her mother has an impressive record of more than 700 films that were made in Indian languages, and she...
Bhanu Chander is a popular Tamil and Telugu actor. He is the son of the popular music director Madduri Venu Gopal. Bhanu Chander was born in the year 1952 in Chennai. In his childhood, he wanted to become a music director. He learnt guitar and could string it flawlessly. Bhanu Chander completed his graduation in National College. His father joined...
Chalapathi Rao was born on 8th May’1944 in Barripalem, Guntur District, and Andhra Paradesh. His father’s name is Maniyya and his mother’s name is Vijayamma. His son’s name is Ravi Babu who is an actor and director. Chalapathi Rao has 2 daughters named Sridevi and Malini Devi.Â
Chalapathi Rao is a Telugu actor who is known for villainy and comedy roles....
Chandra Mohan was born on 23rd May 1945 in Pammidimukala village, Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh. Chandra Mohan’s original name is Mallampalli Chandrasekhara Rao. He has done his graduation at the Agriculture College, Bapatla. His brother’s name is Chinnayya.Â
Chandra Mohan is a versatile and popular Telugu actor. He was introduced with the Telugu film Rangula Ratnam in 1966. He has acted...
Uttej is a popular actor cum assistant director in Telugu films. He was born in Nalgonda in Telangana. He is one among the few natural artists, who act without any over expressions. He was introduced to the cinema industry by the popular Indian director Ram Gopal Varma, in the year 1989 through the film Shiva. The film had Akkineni Nagarjuna...