Sumit Mangali is an Indian Haryanavi singer and lyricist. He has put out several songs as a collaborative effort between him and the singer Jassi Prince Jassi Prince is a singer, lyricist and music compo >> Read More... , like ‘Dewange Jawab’ released in 2021, ‘Youth Bekaar’ released in 2021, and ‘Papa Ki Pari’ of 2022; featuring singer Dhanda Nyoliwala the two released the song ‘Khotte Sikke’ in 2022, ‘Stay High’ was released in 2023, ‘Gach Darling’ released in 2023, ‘Turu Lub’ of 2023, and ‘Must Win’ that was also released in 2023. As a lyricist, he has participated with Jassi Prince in singer Sonu Dhull’s song ‘ Jannat Jannat is an Indian family Hindi serial, which tel >> Read More... ’ which was released in 2022.