Shubham Parihar is a Haryanvi creative head known for his contribution to various projects, especially in the comedy genre. Among his notable involvements is the show Comedy Ki Pathshala released in 2020. The show is also a reflection that showcases real-life instances representing comical situations portrayed in this television show. He was also credited for Duniya Ke Halat Dekh Lyo (2020), a production where he reflects upon worldly conditions using the perspective of comedy. He has also made Aajya Sachchi Tasveer Dikha Dyun (2020), a light-hearted satire relevant to current affairs. Choriyan Bojh Na Hoti (2020) is quite an enjoyable drama with good substance on social issues but it has a comic undertone throughout. His creative insight is the major reason that is beneficial for his increasing popularity and Haryanvi media content as well.