The renowned and young Pakistani actress Kainat Chohan. She was born in Karachi, Pakistan, on October 14, 1992. viewers recognize Kainat for her performances in the plays Mah-e-Tamaam (2018), Tohmat (2018), and Chanar Ghati (2017). Her famous dramas are Bhabhi, Chandni Begum is a story revolving around siblings directed by Misbah Nosheen and written by Shahid Younus, Main Chand Si...
Shazia Gohar is a Pakistani actress who appears on television. Originally from Karachi, Pakistan, she was born on 1 January 1969. Besides being a celebrity chef, she is also a makeup expert and motivational speaker. She graduated from Windsor Public High School in Karachi. She also holds a Bachelor's degree. Capricorn is her star sign, and she is married. She has appeared in...
Shehzad Malik is a precious player from Pakistan, among the first-class players. In 2011, he was a member of the Sialkot Cricket team. He was born in Punjab on April 8, 1978. In 1998, he made his debut for the cricket team at the age of 20. Previously, he has played for Gujranwala Cricket Association, Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited, Sialkot...