Dilshad Nasim is a gifted writer known for showing her unique abilities of screenwriting and remarkable skills in the Pakistani entertainment industry. Her work in television has garnered her significant recognition and popularity in the industry. Some of her work includes ‘Tere Pyar Ke Bharose,’ a 2013 television drama series directed by Naveed Jafri and written by her. This series...
Hailing from Pakistan, Zarnish Khan is a TV actress, born on 16 August 1993. She is a known name in Urdu Television serials. She portrayed Alizeh in the show, Susraal Mera, and Iqra in Sehra Main Safar in 2015. She debuted on the show Mohobaat Ab Nahi Hogi in 2014. She was also part of many other TV shows like...
Sabeeka Imam is a British Pakistani Model, and actor. She was born in London, and the United Kingdom. She has done the films like Queen in the year 2013, 7 Welcome to London in the year 2012, Sherdil in the year 2019, Jalaibee in the year 2005 and many others she mainly works with the Hindi Cinema. She has a...
Seema Ghazal was born in Pakistan. She is a writer by profession and has created some of the most extraordinary works for the Pakistani TV industry. Her first work “Mehndi” aired in 2003 which is about a mother and father who are worried about the marriage of their daughters. It shows that all the four siblings get married on the...
Mahnooris a very well known Pakistani actor. She is a blazing mix of actor, model and a film director. She is a Canadian nationalist but was born in the USA. Mahnoor was born on June 14th, 1970. Her strength is always her versatility towards her work....
Asma Abbas is one among the few talented serial actresses in Pakistan. She hails from a legendary family. Asma is the daughter of Ahmed Bashir and Mehmooda Bashir. Ahmed is the popular writer and journalist in Pakistan. Asma has three sisters and a brother. Except, her brother, who is in the US, all her siblings are in the cinema and...
Model and actress, Maria Malik hails from Pakistan. Maria was born on 14th February in Lahore, Pakistan. She loves wearing western clothing. The most enjoyable part of her life is spending time with her family. She belongs to a middle-class family staying in Lahore. She is the second eldest among her siblings. She lives with her parents....
Khalid Butt is a Pakistani actor and director born in Multan, Pakistan. He started his film career as an assistant director. He directed many films as well. He is the brother of actor Zahid Saleem. He moved to Lahore, Pakistan, building his acting career in 1979. His acting career began in the 1970s. He acted in various Punjabi and Urdu...
Fahim Burney is a filmmaker and television director from Pakistan. He also works as a fashion designer and producer. He was born on May 10, 1980, in Karachi, Pakistan, and raised there. He graduated from Central London College, UK. Faheem made his directorial debut in the film "Pyar Hi Pyar Mein" in 2003. Despite the film's failure, he established himself...
Faisal Rehman or better known by his stage name Faisal is a prominent television and film actor, writer and director from Pakistan. He was born in Lahore but his ancestors were hailed from Afghanistan. Faisal is the son of Massud-ur-Rehman, a cinematographer and his brother Fasih Ur Rehman is a classical dancer. He is also the nephew of popular Bollywood...
Qazi Wajid, a famous veteran Pakistani actor was born on 26 May 1930 in Lahore in Punjab of Pakistan. His popularity is totally apt because as a personality he has been part of Pakistani show business industry for 48 years. Qazi’s career began when he worked in Radio Pakistan in job profile of radio presenter and after working there for...
Azfar Rehman was born on 7th July 1984 in Karachi. Azfar Rehman’s actual name is Mohammad Azfar. He has changed his name after entering modeling sector. Azfar Rehman is a well knowledgeable in addition to nicely mannered man. He's got a superb sense of humor. He is handsome as well as he is smart which makes him very popular among...