Yashmi was born on 30 August, 1995 and was brought up in Tamil Nadu, India. She is a young and a prominent actress who marked her name in the telugu serial industry through her acting. The details of her family members are not known yet, as she doesn’t reveal about them in social medias or public interviews. Her Instagram account...
Prabhakar is an Indian actor who has done villain roles mostly with Telugu films. He became popular for his portrayal in the historical film, Magadheera. Prabhakar also played the role of Baireddy in S. S. Rajamouli’s comedy thriller film, Maryada Ramanna in 2010. He was also seen in films like Aagadu, Dookudu, Dongaata and now, he is playing a pivotal...
He is a well known person in TV industry. He is a multitalented person. He has been working since from Doordharshan period. Basically, he is from Mudhigonda, Kammam district, but he brought up in Kammam. He started working at his 10th class onwards as a home-guard in police department. While working in police department, he completed his degree and after...