Meghana, also known as Meghana Kumar, is an Actress and Anchor in the Telugu film and television industry, born on 4 November 1997 in Hyderabad, Telangana and raised in Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh. His father is Kumar, and she has a sister named Sanjana. Meghana got engaged to Pavan Tej Konidela on 10 August. She went to study at Nalanda Vidya...
Baba Bhaskar is a popular Indian movie director as well as a Choreographer, who mainly works in the South Indian movie industry. He mostly features in Tamil movies, but he also works in other language industries such as Kannada, Malayalam, and Telugu films as well. He started his career with the movie Kotha Bangaru Lokam, which is a Telugu movie...
Allari Naresh is a popular Telugu actor, who has also appeared in Some Tamil films. He is the brother of the popular Telugu cum Tamil actor Aryan Rajesh. Allari Naresh is popular for his comedy roles and he is applauded for his natural humorous sense. Allari Naresh is born in the year 1982 in Chennai. He was brought up in...
Rajiv Kanakala is a south Indian actor and mostly seen in Telugu industry. He started his career through tv serials and short films. He is also a producer and director. He is the son of Devadas Kanakala who is the popular person in Telugu industry and he has an acting institute. From that institute, only 95% south Indian artists are got...