Parvinder Singh is a stand-up comedian, actor, and content writer who completed his Bachelor of Technology (BTech) in computer science at Guru Nanak Dev University. He anchored The Rising Stars of Comedy, a comedy show tv series that features and gives a national platform to comedians who possess the talent, but their talent is not recognized yet. The one hour...
Harsh Gujral is an Indian Stand Up Comedian. He was born on 17 September 1993 in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India. His full name is Harshdeep Gujral. He completed his schooling at Kanpur Public School. For higher studies, he went to the Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) in Varanasi, and he completed his graduation in B. Tech. He has done many...
Jeeveshu Ahluwalia is a well-known and renowned Indian comedian, Writer, Presenter, Youtuber. Ahluwalia is known for his brilliant sense of humor and quirky jokes, which he always cracks. Ahluwalia discovered his interest in making people laugh in his early teenage years. His witty one-liner jokes and smartness are a major heartthrob for his audience. Jeeveshu was born in the year...
Atul Khatri is a 40+ stand-up-comedian from Mumbai, India. He was born on January 10, 1968. Atul completed his secondary education from St. Theresa's Boys High School. He later went on to obtain a Bachelor degree in Engineering from the University of Mumbai....