Meenu Gaur is a renowned director and screenwriter but London-based and a British-Indian. She was born in Kolkata, West Bengal. Gaur is best known for her Pakistani film Zinda Bhaag in 2013, which she co-wrote and co-directed along with Farjab Nabi. This film made an entry to Oscars. She is presently working on a feature film titled “Barzakh: Between Hell...
Kulvinder Kaur Sidhu, often known as Kul Sidhu, is an Indian theatre, television, and film performer best known for her work in Punjabi cinema. She was born and reared in Bathinda, Punjab, and attended Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 5 before graduating from Malwa College. Kul Sidhu's acting career began in 2011 when she appeared in the National Film Award-winning film "Anhe...